Tips for boating in lakes: A beginner’s guide

If you are looking for the best summertime experience with your family, nothing can beat boating in lakes! Whether you have a vacation house or taking a short trip there, it will be an excellent experience filled with fun and adventure!

Moreover, you have some of the best boating communities in southwest Florida that are very welcoming and marvelous.

However, before you go boating with your loved ones, it would be wise to go through some essential tips to stay safe on the water. Let’s check them out one by one:

Understanding the navigational lighting

It is quite natural to be out boating after dark since you have come to spend holidays and not stay restricted! However, you will be required to comply with specific watercraft navigational rules. Some of these rules can vary from place to place or in conditions such as fog or rain. It also depends on the size of your watercraft. 

Generally, powerboats use sidelights, a stern light, and even a masthead light. Sailboats usually have sidelight and stern light. White light is often used in paddled or rowed boats to avoid collisions. Therefore, you should always check the lighting requirements of your state before going out for boating.

Drowning symptoms

We usually imagine that when a person is drowning, they will scream for help. However, that does not happen in most cases. Drowning is silent as people choke on the water and go down fast. 

While going out boating, it is always advisable to know the symptoms beforehand so that you do not lose any loved ones to the water or you can help out any stranger in need.

The most typical symptom is going quiet all of a sudden. You may also notice arms going downwards as they try to push the water below them. Swimmers on the verge of drowning can also cling to the sides of rafts or bob in the water.

Keep hydrating yourself and protecting yourself from the sun

During summers, the temperature can rise significantly, and your body may lose much water, making you dehydrated. Dehydration can often become fatal as you can have headaches, muscle cramps, dizziness, and in more severe cases, you can become unconscious. 

For prevention of any mishap, it is recommendable to carry drinking water with you on the boat. Do not wait to get thirsty; drink to keep yourself hydrated.

Moreover, being on the water in a lake entails exposure to the sun. Other than staying hydrated, it is advisable to keep your skin protected. Sunscreen lotions, sunglasses, straw hats, or short breaks under tree shades are some of the best methods to stay protected.

Wear a life jacket

No matter how good you are at swimming, it is recommendable to wear a life jacket while boating. You never know when a warm and cozy summer afternoon can change into a stormy evening! Having your life jacket can save you from several life-threatening and unavoidable situations.

Moreover, the federal regulations state that anyone below 13 years must wear a “U.S coast guard approved life jacket” while on the water. The same rule applies to everyone in a boat.

Learn basic weather patterns

It is not unusual for a sunny morning to change into thunderstorms later in the afternoon. However, it would help if you stayed careful at any cost. Of course, you can always check for the weather forecast on the television, but it would help if you learned some basic patterns that often predict a storm. 

Fishers and others living near coastal areas are experts at such forecasts. You do not need their accuracy level, but you can still learn the most common patterns such as the wind direction, movement of birds, or the wave patterns. If you find these conditions to be unfavorable, then it is recommendable to postpone your boating timings.

Boating is a beautiful and fulfilling water sport that you can enjoy solo, with your family, or even with your significant other. The ambiance in the water allows you to get cozy in different ways with different people. 

Some of the best boating communities in southwest Florida will also provide you the opportunity to meet new people and develop connections through shared interests. Therefore, do not hesitate to start packing your bags for the next vacation!


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